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Advance Tip Split Share





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Advance Tip Split Share(圖1)-速報App

Advance Tip Split Share aims to tackle the toughest problem at the dinner table. We provide 3 beautifully designed modes of calculating the bill that will reverse engineer your bill so you don't have to work with pre-tax menu items and after-tax bill total. Dining out with friends (or even by yourself) should be fun, not frustrating math problems.

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Send to friends

You can also share the bill of specific individuals via text messaging and other social media apps. Well organized and making it easy for the whole group to know what’s happening. No more awkwardness asking for people to pay for their fair share. No more paying more than your fair share.

Tip before tax

Gives you an option that will allow you to calculate the tip before taxes. Your tip should be based on price of your food, and not the tax money you pay to the government.

Advance Tip Split Share(圖2)-速報App

The 3 Different modes:

    1.Even Split

When everyone orders the same item, this app will calculate everything after you enter a single simple and easy bill input and tells you how much each person should pay.

    2.Buffet Mode

    Advance Tip Split Share(圖3)-速報App

Takes the final bill and reverse calculates the total bill of each person when you add a (pre-taxed) item. Let's face it, nobody wants to calculate how much is one item taxed then subtract it from the total. Truly simplifying what it means to pay the bill.

- Input the final bill (taxed)

- Add individual persons

- Add individual items pre-taxed to individual persons (we will calculate the tax and subtract that from the total to save you the effort)

- Calculates for both the person(s) with extras and the people who did not order any extras.

- Choose to send bills to your friends via sms or any social media apps.

Advance Tip Split Share(圖4)-速報App

3.Custom Bill

This mode is made when nobody is sharing any of the food. You can enter as many people with as many different foods as you like. It will tell you how much of the (pre-tip)bill has been covered so you know where you are.

Use this app for your breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and supper! Not only can you use this for meals, but you can use this to solve any other billings that need splitting. This gorgeous app could be used to solve any daily problems with truly just a simple touch.

Advance Tip Split Share(圖5)-速報App